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Freebie Freebie Freebie

Take the guesswork out + get my baby registry - free.

I remember the stress of building the perfect baby registry while pregnant with my first baby - but I'm here to tell you not to stress! The perfect baby registry doesn't exist!  You don't know exactly what you need because each baby and each postpartum is different (ahem this is your reminder NOT to forget to put your postpartum essentials on your registry!) SO here is a good starting point designed to help you out and take a little of the stress off of you mama!

Videos, Research, and Professional Experience in your hands


BIRTH Course

Feel confident in your body in pregnancy & preparation for labor. Find support, education, and step-by-step video modules  to building confidence in your body through pregnancy, to preparation for an unmedicated labor.

follow @drabbylee

If you're into natural birth, feeling great during pregnancy + labor, conceiving babies naturally, + healing your body, I'm here for you with a glass of sauvignon blanc or red raspberry leaf tea depending on my life stage (IYKYK). You've come to the right place. 

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